Sucktastic Cinema

39: Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws

December 3rd, 2021

This week on Sucktastic, Christmas Spirit is in the toilet, and a North pole puppy swears off his birthright. Puppy Paws makes his way to Fernfield, Washington to learn what it means to be a normal dog, and he encounters the titular Buddies. While this is going on, Christmas is on the brink of extinction, and there is a subplot about a sick boy wanting a dog for Christmas. After screwing up the Buddies lives, Puppy Paws is picked up by the town dog catcher. While in the clink, Puppy Paws learns from a homeless dog that Christmas spirit is all some people and dogs hope for, and it's up to him to take on his responsibilities and save Christmas. After an escape, Puppy Paws enlists the help of the Buddies to help him bring back some magic, and save Christmas!
This movie sucks. It's Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santa Paws, this week on Sucktastic Cinema!